heheha cool
good work, really funny. Don't mind that bad review by BlueberryLock, he's not really a lock.
heheha cool
good work, really funny. Don't mind that bad review by BlueberryLock, he's not really a lock.
Pure excellence. Coolest sprite movie ever.
Thanks Money. Also, please note your in the credits for helping me out using inspiration, and for putting me in the credits for the Arnie thing you did. Either way, I must be humble and say that I'm only average as of yet..
just pure excellent.. i'm speachless.
good movie
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quick, and funny
It's quick and funny. This should not be blammed.
Why does death muffin have a clock on him?
Oh yeah and banana is no longer a Lock so DON'T HAVE A BANANA LOCK!!
Interesting drawing style.. I like how you drew everything.
The Preloader Wast Better
The preloader on that was probably the best part of the movie.
And anyways, the whole lock vs clock thing is old.
yeah it was wasent it thank u
funny movie..
funny movie.
Too bad the clocks aren't at war with the locks and banana_lock backstabbed the lock legion and joined the clockcrew and took our site down
Oh well, the Lock Legion is dead for now but we shall return!
that was funny man! Good quality graphics I can expect from you, great sound, nice smooth animation.
BTW, this is offtopic, but I ment in the other review I left you for the LL/CC love collaboration, when I said "lock legion is dead", well take a look at www.locklegion.com
Banana turned traitor on us and left the lock legion and headed to the clock crew. LL is going to be resurrected though, I won't let that fool banana kill it off for good. Out of all the clocks there are, pillow I'm going to have to say you're the only clock I like. Banana really ruined the clock crew's reputation, IMO.
vote fifenplz
Age 35, Male
Joined on 6/22/03